April 4th, 2020

-Rachel Fung


As a Realtor®, mother, wife and daughter, I take your family's safety very seriously.  Out of an abundance of caution my brokerage, MaxWell Polaris, has prepared the following list of suggestions and precautions that we/you can take while we shop for your new home given the evolving situation with COVID-19. 

When selecting homes to view in-person, I qualify the homes by:

  • Thoroughly touring the home online including all photos, videos, virtual tours, and floor plans 
  • Mapping the exact location of the home or even conducting a drive-by 
  • Only selecting homes you are truly considering purchasing 


I will also provide you with your own tour sheets so that you do not need to take any from the…

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I take you and your family's safety very seriously. Out of an abundance of caution my office, MaxWell Polaris, has prepared the following list of suggestions and precautions that we can take while we market your home for sale given the evolving situation with COVID-19. 

  1. When preparing for showings, open all doors within the home and leave lights on.

  2. Consider providing hand sanitizer at the entrance of your home. 

  3. We encourage you to not be home, this helps buyers feel more comfortable. 

  4. Come in and look around but kindly refrain from using bathrooms 

  5. Leave the lights on. Remember that I can take great photos and virtual tours are a fantastic way for a Buyer to tour your home from the comfort of theirs.

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Making efforts to reduce your energy use at home will reduce your impact on the environment, and with less energy consumed, it will also reduce your monthly energy bills. Here are some ideas for electrical projects that will decrease the amount of electricity you use at home:

Switch to energy efficient light bulbs.

If you’re still using traditional incandescent light bulbs, you’re wasting about 90% of the energy they produce in lost heat, not light. LED bulbs use only 20 to 25% of the energy incandescent bulbs use and they can last up to 25 times longer! LEDs are more expensive, but they have come down in price compared to what they used to be, and you will see a return on investment in energy savings in the long-term.

You can also…

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If you just moved into your forever home and it needs a roof replacement, contact Edmonton metal roofing companies . Metal roofing offers aesthetics, efficiency, safety and longevity. Here are some reasons to buy a metal roof:

It will last for as long as you own the home.

A metal roof Edmonton is a great choice if you don’t plan on leaving your home anytime soon. It can last 50 years or more without needing to be repaired or replaced. Asphalt roofing systems only last 15 to 20 years before needing to be replaced, with plenty of repair jobs taking place in that time. If you’re looking for a roofing product that truly passes the test time, a metal roof is the one for you.

Metal roofing is created to protect your home.

Protecting your home…

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Home improvements can increase the value of your home, but some improvements can have a better return on investment than others. If you’re thinking about installing an air conditioner, but might want to sell soon, will you recoup any of the cost at resale?

They could help your home feel complete.

Edmonton Air conditioning companies can install an energy efficient air conditioner that will be attractive to potential buyers. In most homes, a cooling system is considered a standard mechanical system so not having one could harm your chances of a quick sale. A new air conditioner in Edmonton will also help you home stand out compared to homes with dated, inefficient cooling systems.

Air conditioners have higher ROI in warmer climates.

An air…

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If you are constantly scraping and re-caulking your old drafty windows to keep out that chilly draft, it’s probably time you gave in and had them replaced. New windows will improve energy efficiency, reduce your monthly heating costs and boost your home’s curb appeal.

Whether you’re having your windows installed by Edmonton window companies or are going to attempt to DIY, there are some common mistakes homeowners make when replacing windows.

Choosing the cheapest option.

Just like any home improvement product, the cheapest option is not the best option and you always get what you pay for. Purchasing the least expensive windows on the market will cost you a lot more money in the long run. For example, cheap vinyl windows have a proven…

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An attractive landscape will increase your own personal enjoyment of your home. It will boost curb appeal, create a functional and enjoyable outdoor living space and add resale value to your home. If you are planning on selling your property, an attractive front and back yard will help set your home apart from others on the market and make for a quicker sale. Here are some landscape projects that have a good return on investment:

Plant a few trees.

Believe it or not, but having a mature tree in your yard can actually increase your property value from $1,100 to $10,000 according to the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. You can’t exactly plant a mature tree, but if the idea of selling your home in the future has crossed your mind,…

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Home automation allows you to use smart technology to control and monitor your home’s systems including lighting, thermostat, blinds, home security, audio and video. Controlling your lights and blinds with a touch of a button might seem like something out of science fiction, but with some smart programming, it can help you save substantially on energy and your utility bills. 

Control your home’s systems from anywhere in the world.

Did you leave for work and forget to turn off a light? No problem! You can check and switch off your lights from your smart phone or computer. You can also control systems like heating, cooling and plumbing from any remote location.

You might already have a programmable thermostat that turns the heat down during the…

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Your kitchen cabinets have been good to you over the years. They provided storage, helped you hide a bit of clutter and maybe they have kept up aesthetics pretty good. How can you tell if it’s time to replace your custom cabinetry in Edmonton?

The finish is shot.

If the finish on your cabinetry in Edmonton is faded, scratched or peeling, it’s time for a cabinet replacement. Over the years, steam and grease from cooking and general wear and tear can age your cabinets and cause damage. Though this damage is mostly aesthetic, a damaged finish could start allowing moisture in the cabinet cases, causing mold or rot. You can refinish your cabinets, which is the cost-effective option, but either way, you’ll have to do something about it.


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Getting ready to sell your home, but don’t want to spend a fortune on a major home remodel? Edmonton painting contractors can give your home a makeover with a new paint job and that’s one of the best investments you could make preparing your home for the real estate market.

Paint your cabinets.

Painting contractors often offer cabinet refinishing in Edmonton. This is when you keep your cabinet boxes but paint or stain the wooden doors, drawer fronts and exposed panels. Painting the cabinets can give your kitchen or bathroom a whole new look at a mere fraction of the cost compared to a cabinet replacement. So, whether you want to modernize those mid-90s honey oak cabinets with dark stain or lighten up a dark and dated kitchen by painting the…

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